Success Stories

Meet Tamika

Photo of Tamika

Tamika Bryant attended Baltimore City public school Maryland Academy of Technology, Health & Science (MATHS) until she dropped out in the ninth grade. She had fallen behind and was considered overage and under-credited. Tamika acknowledged that she wasn’t exactly hanging around people who were going to inspire her.

Meet Sherrie

Sherrie Webb

Sherrie Webb is a Client Curriculum & Training Coordinator at Catholic Charities Weinberg Housing and Resource Center.

Ms. Webb had the BEST answer ever when asked why did she decide to hire YouthWorks participants? “Because my very first job was with YouthWorks!! I worked at a summer camp site and had such a wonderful experience. I want to give youth the opportunity to gain skills in order to contribute to society.                                                                  


Meet Harold

Harold Carr III

When he was 16, his mother gave him a stack of papers that included a YouthWorks application. “She was like ‘OK, I’m tired of you sitting on your butt all summer so it’s time for you to get a job,’” Carr recalls with a smile. 

Meet Brian

Brian Phillips

Brian Phillips earned his diploma from Digital Harbor High School in 2014, but hadn’t really thought about what to do next. He graduated without a plan. 

Meet Joanne

Joanne Brown Pic

After Joanne lost access to her storefront due to leasing issues outside her control, she continued to operate a smaller scale business on eBay. However, she found she needed a more stable income with dependable benefits, so she returned to MOED 20 years later to start the next chapter in her life.

Meet Gilbane Building Company

Gilbane Logo

Through a collective effort involving the Maryland Stadium Authority and Baltimore City Public Schools, the City of Baltimore has engaged in a $60 million plan – the 21st Century School Building Program – to provide Baltimore City children with the modernized, technology-equipped, adaptable and shared community school buildings they deserve.

Meet Chadras

1B4J Logo

After she was hired, Chadras offered her back story: It included a history of depression, anxiety and substance abuse that held back the West Baltimore native for years. She tried on her own to get out from the quicksand but found herself stuck, time and again. Through the efforts of the mayor's office and three local nonprofits, however, Chadras says she feels like she has been "reborn." She's employed, living independently and dreaming again about life's possibilities.

Meet Joshua

Joshua In 2011 Joshua Uche graduated from high school. For the next year he just hung around, enjoyed having time off and not having to get up early. Then he started to want more for himself and when a friend mentioned the Eastside Youth Opportunity (YO) Baltimore Center, he looked it up. 

Meet Anita


When Joe Corbi’s Pizza closed in February 2015, Anita Berry found herself unemployed after working 18 years as a Production Manager for the company.  

Meet ACCE YouthWorks Group


The Academy for College and Career Exploration met a difficult challenge when their annual 2016 YouthWorks summer jobs greening project was moved to a new location. This summer’s YouthWorkers would have to start over after years of maintaining a well-polished green space. 
