Press Releases

YouthWorks Helps More Than 1,000 Youth Open Checking Accounts

Baltimore City’s summer jobs program partners with Securityplus Federal Credit Union to expand financial empowerment programming; deadline is April 18 

YO Baltimore’s Pre-Adjudication Coordination and Training (PACT) Evening Reporting Center turns 10 years old

More than 1,400 youth were engaged in productive activities instead of being placed in secure detention while awaiting court date

The PACT evening reporting center annually serves 120 young men, between 14 and 17, who would otherwise be in secure detention while awaiting their court date. PACT provides them with youth development activities, creative learning projects, field trips and access to a workout center with a qualified fitness instructor. Participants are referred by the Department of Juvenile Services (DJS) to Youth Opportunity (YO) Baltimore, a program operated by the Mayor’s Office of Employment Development that serves 17-24-year-olds who are out of work and out of school.

Mayor Pugh Announces Baltimore Youth Offered Record Number of Summer Jobs

Several thousand of the 8,300 YouthWorks participants begin working during the first of two, five-week summer sessions

Today more than 7,000 Baltimore City youth and young adults, ages 14-21, will start working at hundreds of YouthWorks summer job sites. Operated by Mayor Catherine E. Pugh’s Office of Employment Development, YouthWorks has provided more summer employment opportunities in 2017 than ever before thanks to the impressive public-private support from government, businesses, foundations and individuals.

33 Baltimore City Students to Graduate from Youth Opportunity (YO) Baltimore Programs

Students previously disconnected from school and work earn diplomas and face a brighter future 

Youth Opportunity (YO) Baltimore will host a special graduation event for its 2017 class of 33 teens and young adults who chose to pursue alternative education after facing challenges in traditional school settings on Wednesday, June 21, 2017.


Mayor’s Office of Employment Development Supports Visit Baltimore’s Tourism Career Pathways & Resource Fair

MOED staff on-hand to lead workshops and assist job seekers with workforce development resources and job applications as part of Baltimore Tourism Week

Today, workforce professionals from the Mayor’s Office of Employment Development and more than 20 employers from Baltimore’s tourism industry are hosting workshops, providing job preparation resources and conducting interviews at Visit Baltimore’s Tourism Career Pathways & Resource Fair at the Columbus Center, 701 E. Pratt Street, from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.

Mayor Catherine E. Pugh Announces YouthWorks Leadership Circle to Help Support Summer Jobs for Youth

Baltimore Gas and Electric CEO Calvin Butler shares BGE’s commitment to preparing the future workforce

Today, Mayor Catherine E. Pugh was joined by leaders from Baltimore City’s business and philanthropic communities to announce the formation of the YouthWorks Leadership Circle. This group, comprised of local stakeholders committed to the importance of youth employment, will help promote the need for donations and the identification of worksites to support Baltimore’s 2017 summer jobs program.

Mayor Pugh Announces Efforts to Recruit Young Adults for the 2017 Baltimore City Water Industry Career Mentoring Program

Applications are currently being accepted for participation in the 2017 session of the Baltimore City Water Industry Youth Career Mentoring Program, which introduces young Baltimore City residents to careers in the water industry.

Online Application Now Open for Baltimore City’s 2017 YouthWorks Summer Jobs

Today, Baltimore City residents between the ages of 14 and 21 can begin the 2017 YouthWorks summer jobs registration process by applying online at

Mayor Rawlings-Blake and Horseshoe Casino Baltimore Mark “Workforce Development Month” and Highlight Significant Achievements in Hiring and Training at Employment Connection Center in South Baltimore

Today, Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake joined representatives from Horseshoe Casino Baltimore and the Mayor’s Office of Employment Development (MOED) to mark “Workforce Development Month" and to highlight the significant achievements in job placement at the Employment Connection Center (ECC) in South Baltimore.Mayor Rawlings-Blake and Horseshoe Casino Baltimore Mark “Workforce Development Month” and Highlight Significant Achievements in Hiring and Training at Employment Connection Center in South Baltimore.

Mayor Rawlings-Blake to Highlight Baltimore YouthWorks 2016 Achievements

Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake, Greater Baltimore Committee President and CEO Donald C. Fry, and other community leaders will highlight 2016 YouthWorks milestones and successes.
