Job Readiness Tools
Career Center Workshops
- Interviewing Techniques – An interactive workshop designed to provide job seekers with interviewing strategies and techniques to maximize their success in obtaining employment. Several staff-facilitated activities include “role play” sessions and “interview do’s and don’ts” that reinforce the information presented.
- Internet Job Search – In this seminar, job seekers learn proven tips and strategies to make their Internet job search more successful.
Resume Online – Job seekers are assisted in creating or updating an online resume with descriptive or “buzz” words to compete effectively in the 21st-century job market. Participants are guided through the steps of uploading a resume as part of the recruitment process now used by many employers.
- Labor Market Information and Career Decisions – Participants learn about the various Internet resources and websites to increase their understanding of employment and hiring trends within specific industries, salary projections, and more. This information will assist participants in making informed decisions about their career options.
Job Search Resources
- 21st-Century Job Readiness Online Training – Job seekers can register for training options to prepare them for employment and career development.
Forget your password? - O*NET Online – Job seekers may use this tool to match their job skills with more than 900 occupations in order to determine if additional education and training are required in their area of interest.
- Other resources to assist with your job search
Baltimore City Community College
Baltimore City Government
Employment 911
Federal Government
Maryland Non-Profits
Maryland Workforce Exchange
State Government
U.S. Department of Labor American Job Center