The Mayor’s Office of Employment Development (MOED) has several training strategies to help businesses train new hires and meet specific skill standards while reducing training costs. Strategies include occupational skills training and basic/essential skills for new hires. Employers from all industries including healthcare, manufacturing, construction, information technology, hospitality, and other local industries have taken advantage of these services to increase their workforce and improve productivity.
Customized Training
Customized training is a business-driven training strategy designed to assist employers with meeting the cost of training new employees in hard-to-fill positions. This training strategy allows an employer or group of employers to provide occupational skills tailored to meet their needs, resulting in a more productive and efficient workforce.
A few things you should know:
- Training can be provided by the employer. Alternately, please check the WIOA Eligible Training Provider List Resources.
- To defray the cost of training, MOED will reimburse businesses up to 50 percent of the training costs (may include wages, tools, uniform, and training courses).
- Businesses must commit to hiring trainees who successfully complete the training program.
- Training positions must be full-time permanent positions with wages of $10 per hour or higher.
- MOED provides marketing, recruitment, and pre-screening of all applicants through its career center services.
Get started by completing this Customized Training/OJT Business Application.
Incumbent Worker Training
Maryland Business Works is a training program for current workers interested in upgrading their skills. MOED and the Maryland Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulation (DLLR) are eager to partner with local businesses to support employer strategies for retention, growth expansion, and layoff aversion. Training funds will be provided to businesses serious about increasing employee productivity, upgrading the skills of current employees, and creating opportunities for expanding their existing workforce. Projects focus on in-demand occupations targeting small businesses.
A few things you should know:
- Maryland Business Works promotes skills that are industry-focused and employer-based.
- Funds will be primarily targeted to small businesses with 250 employees or fewer; local and regional businesses providing in-demand products or services; and, businesses that are facing potential layoffs.
- There is a dollar-to-dollar match requirement and a $4,500 training cap funding level that may be awarded to a specific trainee for a project or series of projects.
- The maximum request per year cannot exceed $40,000.
- The program funds classroom-based training, in-house staff training, apprenticeships, and other opportunities.
Learn more about Maryland Business Works or contact MOED Employer Services at 443-984-3014 for more information.